With college students being stressed with a variety of issues, my group decided to help out the students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa by creating a website similar to a flea market. With the Manoa Flea Market website, students who have a valid UH username and password will be able to login and either post an item to sell or browse through the items listed. Once the seller lists an item to sell, it will go to the marketing page for buyers to see. The seller can edit the information for the item at any time. If a buyer becomes interested in an item, they may contact the seller, who’s name will be with the item. From there, they can search for the seller’s information on the contact list. Sellers have to add in their information in order for their information to be displayed on the list. They can also edit their information or delete their information completely at any time.
For this project, my job was to work on the authentication, the contact list, and the design of the website. The point of the authentication was so that the website would only login UH students with a valid username and password. When I first attempted the authentication process, I was able to get it to work so that only certain people’s username that I inputted could login to the website. However, I needed to expand it so that everyone in my class could login. On my own, I wasn’t able to figure it out, but with the help of my group members, I was able to change it so that anyone from my class could log in. Next, I had to create the contact list. Using what I learned from homework, I created an add form in which sellers would enter their first and last name along with their phone number, email address, and url of their picture. Then, I created a page where the information would end up and designed it so the information would be showed in a list of cards. I also created an edit page to let the sellers edit their information or to delete all of their information. Lastly, I helped with the design of the website. Though my group members and I changed them over time, each of us started with a design that we later perfected. I started the headers design and created one drop down menu. Another group member later changed it to three drop down menus. Later, I added the University of Hawaii logo to the landing page and to the header. I also changed the font style and the background color to help it look less plain.
By the time our project was due, my group realized that we did not complete the goals we had set for ourselves on the day we started. For example, in the beginning, we wanted a profile page so that buyers could go to the seller’s profile page in order to access their information. We also had the attitude that we could get our project done as long as we just focused on our own pages. However, throughout our project, we realized that we needed the time we were given just to get the essential pages done and that we couldn’t do it on our own. We had to help each other out. I don’t think we realized at first how much time it takes to create a good website, which is why we were naive enough to think we could each do it individually. However, when we realized our mistakes and worked together, we realized that we could create a simple website.
You can read more details about the website here or view a demo of the website here.